#Blog | Hightower Electrical Contractors, LLC

What to Know About Winter Storm Preparedness

Many homeowners overlook one of the most important things to prepare for when the holiday season rolls around—winter storms. Experts believe homeowners are unprepared for winter storms, putting their families and their home in danger. So while you’re decking the halls for the season, make sure you  take the following into consideration and ensure your home is both merry and safe. Major Dangers Associated with Winter Storms Homeowners can face major dangers when winter weather rolls around, including damage from the weight of ice, snow and sleet. In the cases of major snowstorms, families can even be trapped in [...]

By |December 13th, 2016|Categories: Residential|Tags: , |0 Comments

Four Unexpected Things You’ll Miss During a Winter Power Outage

According to a recent study1, just four percent of homeowners surveyed selected heat as the household item they would miss the most during a power outage, compared to more than half (51%) who said they would miss their TV the most. Yes, long hours in the dark can be incredibly boring without the entertainment of a news program or favorite show, but when considering power outages during the dead of winter a lack of entertainment may be the last thing homeowners should be concerned about. This research points out that many homeowners don’t realize the dangers and inconveniences [...]

By |December 1st, 2015|Categories: Residential|Tags: , |0 Comments
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